If God provides each of us with an equal opportunity to know and to experience his reality then why do so many people in Dallas compared to those in Moscow believe in God's reality?
Why should place of birth be a factor in a just God's decision to sentence someone to eternal hell since none of us get to choose where he or she is born?
If God provides each of us with an equal opportunity to know and to experience His reality then why do so many fundamentalist Christian children believe in God's reality compared to those whose parents are atheistic college professors?
Why should the beliefs of one's parents be a factor in a just God's decision to condemn one to an eternal hell since none of us gets to choose his or her parents?
If God desires so deeply that everyone should believe in His reality that he will condemn those who do not so believe to eternal hell AND if God does not make it equally possible that all may choose to believe in His reality (not equally certain that all will so choose, but only equally possible that they may; this is an important point), is God just?
Why should place of birth be a factor in a just God's decision to sentence someone to eternal hell since none of us get to choose where he or she is born?
If God provides each of us with an equal opportunity to know and to experience His reality then why do so many fundamentalist Christian children believe in God's reality compared to those whose parents are atheistic college professors?
Why should the beliefs of one's parents be a factor in a just God's decision to condemn one to an eternal hell since none of us gets to choose his or her parents?
If God desires so deeply that everyone should believe in His reality that he will condemn those who do not so believe to eternal hell AND if God does not make it equally possible that all may choose to believe in His reality (not equally certain that all will so choose, but only equally possible that they may; this is an important point), is God just?